Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Second

 This was a year ago. Wait what? This was a year ago? I just don't know how that happened? Happy November 2nd.
 At this point in time we were wrapping up talking to nearly every person we knew and this became my most popular Insta ever. There's something about engagements and weddings that get people excited.
 A year ago today we took turns charging our phones and telling the story. A year ago today we walked around campus with our forgotten champagne from the night before. A year ago today people celebrated in ways that truly expressed the joy we felt. A year ago today the reactions ranged from shock to continuing to sleep and screaming to hugs that lasted for hours. No one was worrying about how young we were or when it was going to be. No one was freaking out that we were still in college and had no idea what we were going to be doing in a year. Those reactions would come in a few hours. But a year ago today there was such a simple joy to be with my fiance and knowing that some day soon we would be long distance no longer.
And this past year flew. We are long disance never again and I wish you could see my grin as I typed this. It was a crazy year; getting engaged, planning a wedding, graduating college, getting into grad school, finding a job, finding an apartment, getting married, moving, honeymooning, starting adult life together. It was all the major life changes at once. There were times that I doubted we would make it through them all but a year later I am so happy to say how happy we are. Crazy kids but happy ones.
Love you Tim Kenney.

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