Saturday, September 30, 2017

Easter 2017

We had the opportunity to  celebrate Easter in California with family this year and visiting Tim's parents is never something we will pass up. Tim and Gemma then stayed an extra week while Tim was on Spring Break from school and Gemma got some much needed grandparent time. She went to the park daily, got a trip to the beach, loved her castle and chair Easter presents, learned to use silverware, played piano with grandpa, and baked with grandma. She loves Gaaaa and Papa so much!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Easter Egg Hunt

And a big jump from New Year to Easter... CUA hosts a few events each year for kids in the neighborhood (remember Halloween?) and we loved attending the Easter Egg Hunt one Sunday afternoon. Many of the activites Gem was still too young for and the lines were chaotic but she still enjoyed herself and definitely looked the part!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

And a Happy New Year

We flew from Indiana to Florida for Magee family Christmas during New Year. It was the last time we could get away with Santa "coming" as presents were being wrapped in front of Gemma. It's always a blast to visit my parents but most especially when we came from snow to get to wear swimsuits. The most exciting thing for us on this Christmas trip to both families was that we got to tell them that I was expecting, that Gemma was a big sister!
The rest of the time was spent trying to convince Gem that if she was to be a big sister, not the littlest anymore, that she needed to learn to walk. Unsuccessful without holding hands, it would be another month or so before she walked because this independent girl does everything in her own time.
She even got to see a few of Uncle Shafer's basketball games.
We are so lucky to get a week with my family and see sunsets like this every night.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A South Bend Christmas

Christmas in July September... Right?
Can you believe how tiny Gemma was? I just want to do a little re-cap of this trip to South Bend. We flew to Indiana for Christmas with the Kenney's this past year. It's always great to go home. John and Judy rented a house for the holidays and we got to see all of Tim's extended family. Gemma loved getting to know her cousin a little better and for the first time showed interest in opening presents. 
Matching jammies because I made an impulse buy...
Christmas morning with Grandma and Grandpa.
Gemma loved unwrapping presents but I had a true lesson in patience. She took HOURS to actually get through everything because once she unwrapped something she actually wanted to play with it and would cry when we put something else in front of her.