Thursday, April 19, 2018

First Hair Cut

A big day for our G. Shannon was cutting my hair as we took advantage of the day off school and we decided, why not?!?!? Her hair had never been cut and I didn't want bangs or a short bob, just to get rid of the wispy and have it all one length. Lucky to live with someone generous enough to make it happen.
She was excited about it before, freaked during, and couldn't stop talking about it after. I'd call it a success!
What on earth are we going to do when Shannon no longer lives downstairs?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Edith Margaret: Four Months

You guys! It's high time I blogged this. The reality though is that I am hugely procrastinating writing a paper so this is my excuse. These pictures are true to size but I am needed to dig back through my phone to remember exactly as she was at this time. Sorry E, being a second child and all that.
Edith is at the point that everything goes directly into her mouth (exhibit A).
She is a big fan of the bumbo so she can sit up and look around. Edith has been this way since day she was born, constantly wanting to face out so she could see what was happening.
At the very end of this month, Edie reached the milestone of rolling over but barely. On the last day of the month she rolled from back to front a few times but not the other way. She hates tummy time though, so she really needs to learn to roll from front to back.
Overall, this was a fun month, she took her first few roadtrips, swam in the pool for the first time, and got to experience sand and snow. She's really found a love for her hands and has become so generous with her smiles.
We love you Sweet E, you are so sweet natured, curious, and learning to speak your own needs, it's a blast to watch you grow.
If the theme of Gemma's monthly updates were that she hated the bow and would pull it out, the theme for Edith is that Gemma is always dying to be in the shot!