Friday, November 21, 2014

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Going to a football game, such a fall essential for a South Bend native.
College football, different experience out east.
First of all, the price of tickets... $15. That caused a gasp for South Bendians everywhere.
Then also the stadium. Do you see how close to the field we are! Also the ushers don't ever verify that you are sitting in your own seat. 
(Never mind Tim's mustache, Lord knows I've been trying to.)
And then the fans were hilarious and all of the sudden, non-existent... Sorcery!
But really just the majority of the Student Section cleared out at half time. While they were still there, they had me laughing all the live long day. My favorite was the alum who lead the graduate section in the chant of "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" (double fist pump included) every time they were happy with a play of the field. Lazy and effective, I can get behind that.
I also appreciated the group of undergrads behind us who tended to scream/grunt "MURDER" every time we were on defense and our opponent was advancing down the field. It was a great transition of "Yes! Yes! Yes!" to "De-Fense-De-Fense" to a voice drop and "MURDER" not chanted, no clapping involved. It could be a bit startling. I'm sitting there like "Go Team! He didn't mean that! It's just a game. In sportsmanship, we can all be winners!" Maybe just the football stadium is not my most comforting environment...
I'm excited to go to my first hockey game because I'm told if that made me laugh, this will make me cry... Keep an eye out for all of my raw emotion in that post.
It was a great, though freezing, evening. In some small ways, we felt like we were home again. 
It's good to have friends that cheer with you til the end of a heartbreaking loss and a husband who agrees to going home immediately after, changing into our warmest pajamas, and watching a movie with a glass of hot tea. It's the simple things.

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