Wednesday, November 12, 2014


So you might know that Tim is a grad student going for a Masters in Theological Studies. Of course you do, because the readers of this blog (all five of you!) are either related to me, a close friend who knows him well, or Tim. I ramble on regardless. So, he gave a presentation yesterday about the role of social media in Culture and our church. And here I sit posting pictures of my life like people care (I know the majority of my page views are myself, judge away) and killing hours while pinning recipes, listening to music videos, watching Netflix movies and TV shoes, pouring over the void and lifesource that is Instagram and of course stalking other blogs that people (me for sure) do actually care about.

Tim's project has caused a great bit of conversation about using social media for the good and how the church can be a part of building that up. As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI says, "It falls, in particular, to young take on the responsibility for the evangelization of this 'digital continent.' Be sure to announce the Gospel to your contemporaries with enthusiasm." But instead of making you read my theological exegesis, I'm going to post some internet goodness instead. You're welcome.

1. This nugget melted my heart.

2.  One of my very best friends just became an Aunt to sweet little Nora Therese. Nora was born to the most wonderful parents, Julia and Tom. They, like Tim and I, are St. Joe High School sweethearts. He went to ND and she went to SMC. Nora was born with CF and had to be air lifted to Indy for an emergency surgery. She is doing much better today and was able to be held! But she will likely be in the NICU for the next few months. If you would like to donate to Nora's medical expenses (here) know how appreciated it would be and I completely understand that that can be a lot to ask of you but please, please, please send those prayers. They are asking for the intercession of Venerable Solanus Casey. Find out more about him here and here.

3.  In honor of Veterans Day (this post was meant for yesterday...), I thought I would highlight my second cousin. There is an organization called "Fashion Has Heart" that worked with Eric to design a t-shirt. The proceeds go to a fund that will help him be able to purchase a home. Hear more about his story and see the design here.

4. Speaking of Veterans, would you like to shead a few tears?

5. For some yummy vegan recipes (contradiction I know) or even just motivation to live a healthier lifestyle, follow my fellow CUA alumna at She Well.

6. Finally, for a blogger who posts better things than this, Anna.

Much love my 5 followers, much love.

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