Sunday, November 16, 2014

Who ya gonna call?

It snowed at home this week. And heavily. It snowed a bit here this week too, but not as bad. Snow makes me ready for winter. Which is why I was bummed when we went out for drinks with faculty members at my school to celebrate the end of first quarter and they hadn't switched over to winter seasonals yet. I'm ready for the winter seasonals. As a Magee though, this makes me a bit hypocritical. We love thanksgiving, we live for the quality cousin time T-gives brings. My older brother is famous in our family for coining the phrase/chant/battle cry "Santa needs to stop sticking his butt in my favorite holiday!!!" Can I be ready for winter and not ready for Christmas music? Can I LOVE Thanksgiving while still counting down the days to Holiday Hallmark Movies? (Though rumor has it they've already started... I don't know how I'll live without cable this year.) I think yes. The next few weeks are for the blending of seasons and I'm okay with that but for now I'll reflect on the last two weeks, which we definitively fall.
Tim and I went to the urban pumpkin patch, Whole Foods, to pick up some Halloween decor. While at the urban pumpkin patch, literally a pile of pumpkins outside the store, there was a city mom trying to get her two sons to smile. Tim and I took advantage of the opportunity to make odd faces at a stranger baby to get him to smile. Creepy? Yes, but his mom appreciated it. I then tried to get Tim to smile there in the same location, for the sake of the blog (!) but he was having none of it so I snuck this one out of spite. Tim carved his pumpkin to look like The Great Pumpkin it was awesome, check his feed. check it.
Fenway had a free showing of Ghostbusters on October 30th. We took advantage of that in a hot second. More of a cold second really: I was wearing mittens, double layers, hats, coats, all of the things. 
It was my first time seeing the movie and I was shocked by how many parents were there with their kids. 1) School night! 2) Inappropriate! Look at me sounding so old and crotchety...
I took a picture of my clan of men who were my movie going companions but Steve's eyes were awkwardly closed and I'm sure he would have killed me once Ryan texted him the goofy picture of himself so humor and death avoided. You win some you lose some.
Finally, fall is the best time for birthdays! I've mentioned my own (hey, hey of course I toot my own horn here on this little blog) and Ryan's. But also my beautiful seester Maddie and mi madre as well as this pretty lady. Happy birthday friends! We have no birthday cakes but you can blow out the decorative candles I hoard anytime!

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