Thursday, September 4, 2014

Graduate Degrees

Just a little post dedicated to Timothy. Yesterday was his birthday and we were too busy celebrating with Irish Pubs, Ben & Jerry's, Parks & Rec, and stressing over school the next day to bother blogging in his honor. So a happy belated birthday Tim! Everyone likes you when you're 23 is how it should really be.

Now September 3rd is a great day and I praise the Lord for the day this man was born, but we are in such a time of transition right now that his special day kind of got the short end of the stick. I mean yeah it was great to learn how to make his favorite meal and enjoy that together and to meet his friend Meredith for drinks in the city. All the Boston locals can laugh that I just referred to Brighton Center as "in the city." But also it was a day when we realized, and hard, that it's just us now. And we aren't home. And we are in the awkward struggle of making friends. And Grad school is becoming real so the Amazon accounts are smoking. And I sit in my green house of an office melting for hours upon hours as I freak out that students are coming back to school. So transitions kind of eat up emotions and put a damper on festivities.

So, to celebrate Tim Kenney!

Blinks Aweigh! Here is my nerdy husband on the way out the door to his first day of Graduate School.

There is so much to celebrate him for; his love of diet coke, his being happy with a night in and a bottle of wine, his understanding of my lack of historical and geographical understanding, his passion for Theology, his stubbornness and refusal to let me to stay angry about anything, his love of his Alma Mater, his swallowing techniques, his Hitler hair, man oh man I could go on for posts and posts. And I will because I have birthdays and anniversaries and holidays of blogging until death do us part. For now, I'll cut off my ramblings and just say Happy Birthday Timothy James. I love you.

For bigger and better bloggers' tales of being a Grad Students wife:

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