Saturday, March 1, 2014


This January rounds out my sixth March for Life. And I know in comparison to some (hey Liz...) it's not many but for me this year capped my last one as a DC native. Probably. Its a hugely important cause that always provides me so much hope for our Church and our world. The people are so young and the movement is so alive. It's hard, especially living in DC, to really remember that this is a pilgrimage of worthy and necessary cause and not just another day in the life. The moment of this years march that struck me most was when we walked past the Canadian Embassy. There were about 6 people outside with Canadian flags and a huge sign that read "CANADIANS STAND WITH PRO-LIFE AMERICA." I wish I would have taken a picture. It was cool to hear everyone clapping for them as they cheered for us. It was a moment to remember as people were pointing and telling us to 'look over there, on your left.' That moment truly touched me, and made my eyes wet (no tears rolled my friends but they were there). I guess it was a gentle reminder that I needed. It reminded me why I was there. Not because I have for the past 6 years, or because Tim came for that reason, or because that's what Pro-Life people on campus do, and not even to fan girl over P-Garvs who would be there. But to remember how I am not isolated. I am not only a student at The Catholic University of America, or a resident of DC, or even just an American. I am a daughter of God and that means so much. It means a call to solidarity. It means being with the youth gathered there from all over the country but also aligning that with the world. It means that people will do the same for us (Thanks Canada!). It means defending the most vulnerable who are also sons and daughters of that same God and cannot defend themselves. It is a true act of solidarity, so thanks Matt Maher for starting the March off with the right tone as everyone joined in song, 
"And love will hold us together, Make us a shelter the weather the storm
And I'll be my brother's keeper, So the whole world would know that we're not alone."

So that was a lot, sorry. Here are pictures, does that help?

Here's to coming back for the next 6 years. Maybe more of a pilgrim this time.

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