Monday, October 19, 2015

Parenting Badge

If being a mom were a similar program to being a girl scout then I'd have my first badge waiting to be sewn on my vest (it'd probably never actually make it onto the vest given my to-do list that never gets accomplished and my track record with commitment to the girl scouts). It would be a beautiful badge with a red bulls-eye. That's right I have completed the challenge and I am officially a basic mom. I am gaining confidence in this whole parenting act and I took her into public, by myself. 

We dropped off dad at school on one rainy morning.
Success unexpected in common hours when I fed and changed her in the back seat of the car in the parking lot. I felt so accomplished in this moment. Forget the college diploma, this proved that I had truly made great strides in achieving my vocation.
We made it to Target before 9 with all the moms and old ladies and started the trip with a fall Starbucks drink, as you should. She was awake the whole trip taking in the joys and beauty that is Target home section and happily being piled high with purchases.
And she fell fast asleep as soon as the car started moving. She doesn't like being strapped into her car seat but once that thing is in motion, she is a happy girl and that makes me a happy mom.

So, I did it! I got out of the house and crossed something off a to-do list and tuckered Gemma out for a nap. Now I ponder how my mom did it with twins... and five older siblings... superhuman?


  1. Heard about your blog via the Caritas Project and wanted to say hey! I am a sort-of-newlywed living in the Boston area. Sometimes I get excited to find out there's other young, Catholic married couples around!

    Congratulations on your beautiful new addition!

    1. So glad to hear from you and so glad you listen to the Caritas Project/Podcast! Thanks for the sweet words and it's good to hear of a young catholic wife in the Boston area because many times I fear we are all to rare in this neck of the woods... We must stick together of course.

  2. ....and by Caritas Project I mean podcast.... time for more coffee
