Monday, October 26, 2015

Gemma- 1 Month

My baby girl celebrated her first month of life yesterday with a bath and a ridiculous photo shoot. I love this headband/month counting set but does it make me a cruel mom?
 This picture on the right is so Gemma; legs scrunched, toes curled, arms flailing.
 In my mind she is shaking her fist and saying, 'Why I oughta..."
 Now the headband is great but to give you perspective on the status of her monkey hair, its receding and its fluffy resembling her grandpa Magee. Sorry kid, I was told all my life that I look like my dad and now you're looking like your grandpa. As a girl you never know how to respond to these things.
 At one month Gemma loves eating and sleeping, find me a baby who doesn't and I'll be worried. If you bundle her hands into the blanket she will wake up angry within minutes because she NEEDS space. She loves her car seat (knock on wood that this remains true because car rides are our last resort right now) and falling asleep propped up on dads shoulder. She grunts and squeaks during all of her waking hours and some of her sleeping ones too. The nicknames mom gives her have been called 7 Dwarfs inspired because; grunty, grumpy, sleepy, hungry, bubbles, squeaky, and there is no doc. 
 My cross-eyed goofy princess.
 And just to demonstrate the ridiculousness of this high quality, moms bed, photoshoot which she clearly loved:

Gemma Brigid: watch me grow though she will never grow into this headband, it will always be oversized and crazy.

1 comment:

  1. It looks really awesome and beautiful; every mother should feel special after having a baby and to give their baby proper care and attention they used to go for several kinds of possibilities. Congratulation for completing one month it is really tough to be a parent most of the night we spend with our kids to handle their problems and provide them care and attention. For a mother it is really a great moment that her baby completing different stages of life.
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