Sunday, August 28, 2016

Gemma 10 Months

If nine months was a disaster, I don't know where ten months came from! To all the professional photographers, 10 months is the golden age.
Gemma is a monster she's so big. At 10 months old she's got lots of new tricks. She pulls herself up and b-lines for the stairs at any time she thinks we aren't looking. Her hair gets longer but refuses to lay down. She loves FaceTiming while standing at the coffee table. Her teeth have made themselves known and we think she is getting more on the sides and top. 

In the meantime, the teeth allow her to eat more and more solids. She is still loving her puffs and purees but grandparents keep slipping other foods like pancakes and french fries on her plate too. She wants nothing to do with water and is offended that you even suggested it.

Gemma is a such an extroverted baby and says her first official word, "hi." And she says it a lot. She also says many other non-sensical things. She nods her head yes for seemingly no reason and when Aunt Katie FaceTimes, she turns her head to one side in the cutest way.

Gemma's a climber and a lunger and a mover and a shaker. We can't wait to see how these characteristics continue to make themselves manifest. 10 months old baby girl and we love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Too stinkin cute!! Love you all! Can't wait to see you soon <3
