Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Love of My Life, Father of My Dreams

Based on the title you can count on this being sappy but I'll try my darnedest to keep it light.
We are one week away from the due date over here at Casa Kenney and I want more than anything else to not be pregnant. I feel bad complaining because I really think I had an easy pregnancy. Sure I was nauseous for a time and my back aches and my feet get swollen but I've been so lucky with no major problems and no loss of mobility and they keep telling us how healthy she looks. So I'd say I'm really lucky. That said, I do not want to live this pregnant life forever and I feel like every day now lasts forever. An eternity passes between when I wake up and can finally fall back into a restless sleep again, all the while zero contractions. A friend of mine put it perfectly well, "God is so clever with His timing and 9 months really is providential because in no other circumstance would any woman be asking for the pain of child birth to come sooner." Speak the truth because here I am, nearing the end of nine months and the thing that once frightened me most I now pray daily will come immediately. Or like yesterday.

Anyway, enough about me, this was to be a post about Tim. Allow me to continue in my ramblings:

As this pregnancy, our first pregnancy, draws to a close I wanted to make sure I recorded some of the things I love this man for so that I never forget. At this point in the game I am 100% certain that I could not do this without him.

*When I wake up in the middle of the night with Charlie Horses in intense pain, he jumps up with me and wordlessly rubs out the cramps in my calves with his eyes closed. He might even still be sleeping. Marry the man who instead of sleep walks, sleep soothes.

*He helps me out of my chair, couch, car seat, bed, lounging position without even needing to be asked. (Proof that pregnancy is a foretaste of getting old).

*Tim never lets me forget my vitamins. See also: Husband forces vitamins down wife's throat.

*He graciously drinks another glass of wine in honor of my temporary sobriety.

*Speaking of alcohol, he is the one who came up with the idea of stockpiling our pantry with all the summer brews that will be out of season by the time I can finally have them again. There they sit, in the pantry, waiting to be chilled and enjoyed!

*My fantastic husband doesn't complain when I make him take over 20 baby bump pictures. My hero.

* He has been know to rub my feet after particularly difficult days and on occasions when they are so swollen that they are not distinguishable as feet at all. Lotion and everything.

*On the topic of feet, he has been helping me with my shoes in the morning. Because reaching laces and buckles is tough stuff.

* He's been doing the laundry around here. I'm going to miss that.

* He never judges me for my apparel choices as less and less seems to fit.

But most notably, he loves this little girl so much. I love that the first thing he does when he gets home from work is kiss me and then cuddle into me on the couch so he can talk to her and sing to her and read to her and love on her and she kicks her way into my spine in response. I've come to decide that the way he can be the best husband is to love this little girl and the way be the best father is to love her mother. And he does. My fears, anxieties, unpleasantness, and insecurities are brought down by his daily reminders that I am beautiful and I am loved. Even though I feel like a whale and I can't do a whole lot to pull my weight around here anymore (am I right???). Even though I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to motherhood. I am never overcome because I always feel loved.

How's that for sappy? And as for easy, breezy, light, and honest: I taught from a chair today because my back hurt and because when I stand I get really excited and move around a lot which makes me winded and you can't teach if you can't breathe. But it's the New Testament! What's not to be excited about?!?!

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