This, my dear South Bend friends, is not to be confused with the JACC mass. For some reason, our teachers always hated when we abbreviated it to that...
Well first there was the honors convocation. And you know your mom's in town when you see her meandering through the aisles of church trying to snag a picture before the ceremony. Then the guy behind you leans forward and says, "Isn't that your mom? MRS. MAGEE! SHE'S RIGHT HERE!" Thanks. Appreciate it. Hey mom. So I apologized to the guy next to me, whom I do not know (not the amused looking friar, the other next to me) for my mom leaning over him to snag this crooked grin. His response was oh so generous, so thank you random peer of a graduate for simply stating, "My mom will be doing the same thing in about 2 minutes so don't worry about it." Cue, "We're All in This Together" because graduation calls for some momentous, choreographed musical interludes don't you think?

Now, the Baccalaureate Mass for real. Praise God you didn't back out of the procession James because who would have put me in my proper height rank for the television if not for you beside me? And Praise God that you didn't faint/ puke coming up the aisle because did I not mention that this was on EWTN, and do you know how many people watch EWTN? More than read this blog so that is saying not a whole lot...

And to the people who wondered why we were in the liturgical procession and sitting in the sanctuary, well at the end of the day I don't really know either... But I was so, so glad to share this day with you James.
Seeing this picture now, two weeks later, makes my heart burst with joy and my eyes envious for less than 20/20 vision. I would love to rock some glasses like these lovely ladies.
Found him and snagged this while our families were hitting it off. Midwesterners got to stick together.
And I got a fancy one with the first lady.
And this shot cracks me up. So my whole fam (All 9 of us) took up residence in DC for the weekend. And it seemed that Shafer was everyone's date at some point.
And did I mention that my whole family was present? Because there was a certain reunion that could not go undocumented.
I'll be posting about all the pomp and circumstance of Graduation tomorrow... Stick around.
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