Monday, August 19, 2013

Bostonian Life

So this one time I decided to buy a flight to Boston. This is shocking for those of you who don't know me, not because I've never been to Boston (which is true) but because I don't spend money well. This might seem to some like a great problem to have but when two of my greatest friends await the other side of a flight... well, I did it. And loved it. And want to go back. Like now. I even started looking into more flights until I looked at my bank account and laughed a nervous hehe before coming back to reality. I'm getting better at this whole spending for a good cause thing but baby steps my friends. Teeny tiny baby steps.

So I got off the plane at a very early hour and walked the city (to reiterate: I didn't want to spend money on public transportation.) Saw most of the major things to see, pictures to those who scroll.

Shannon, do you know Shannon? Well around 10 am we decided it felt like lunch but nowhere was open for lunch so we waited for an hour and got our D.C. fix, because a busy girl can't live without it.

The whole city reeks of historic beauty.

Who is S going to see in the quiet room? That's one secret I'll never tell. XOXO

Seriously, like seriously? I can't.

Everything about it was just too good. Too too good.

Story Summary for the day? me, this lady, and my backpack.

And sometimes I cared more than others about what I was seeing.

All in all, it was a beautiful day. (Parts 2 and 3 of the trip are coming... you didn't think I wore the same outfit all weekend did you?)

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