Thursday, October 19, 2017

Edith Margaret: One Month

We are getting to the time that I need to take E's 2 month photos so I need to hurry up and share this post. She already looks so different, babies are crazy how quickly they grow and how their face can seem to mature overnight. Edith is no exception, in fact she is gaining weight and strength at a much faster rate than Gem, I think it's because she took to eating so much better. 
At one month I was just starting to try being a stay at home mom of two before returning to work. My mom, Tim's parents, and Aunt To all visited for a period of time to help with the adjustment for which I am so grateful. Maybe I will plan a separate post just for my few weeks as a stay at home mom and then a real lengthy one about being a working mom of two... a week and a half in and my head is still reeling. 
Enough about me, and on to the main attraction. Edie is such a sweet and happy baby. She is not really cooing (or squeeking like her sister) or smiling yet but she is just very chill. She is happy to just lay on her back and look around or be held for hours will no real attention necessary. She fits right into our little family as she is happy to tag along and doesn't cry at the adventures her sister plans for her. 
A her one month appointment she weighed in at 11 lbs. 5 oz. and a healthy little chunk. She loves baths and eating... go figure. 
The greatest thing is that we know she will pass out within seconds of Tim holding her. I don't know if she just knows I am the one who can feed her or that her dad just provides a protective level of comfort but he puts her into a dead sleep almost instantly.
She takes the BaBa just like G but if it can't be found at night I'll see that she stuck her fingers in her mouth. She always has her hands pulled up to her face like this and so she hates a swaddle. 
And just like Gemma Brigid, Edith Margaret hates this headband and the fact that her mother makes her wear it.

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