Monday, March 7, 2016

Gemma- 5 Months

The River of Time (a little shout out to my students who pretend they don't read this)... it just keeps rolling. And five months already?!?!
She's such a happy little Gem
Who's like why do you fools always put a camera in my face?
She's a happy girl who's started getting cheeks now that we've tried some solids.
There will be a time when Gemma needs a baby picture for school projects, yearbooks, and comparison to her own children... guaranteed that this will be the picture I keep coming back to. It's so her, and those arm rolls!
In 5 months she is a rolling machine who recently found her bottom lip.
Two Things:
1. She is wearing a diaper (I am so not that brave and definitely not willing to risk that.)
2. She can't sit up on her own yet, the Bumbo is undercover.
In five months she is a Facetiming expert who loves singing and moving. She's such an extrovert, I'm guessing Sanguine like her dad, who calls her his little flirt. (See above photo)

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