Everyone was so concerned about our being alone for Thanksgiving. Now, it was rough being away from family for the Magee's number 2 favorite holiday ever. But at the same time, it was nice. In a strangely quiet kind of way, but I'm okay with that.
We spent the week cleaning, laundering, shopping, and netflixing (if that isn't a word, I claim credit here and now). When I went back to work after Thanksgiving people kept asking what we did for our first holiday as a married couple and is it bad that in my head I thought, "literally nothing" though aloud I said, "It was nice, bizarre to not be home but so good to spend quality time with Tim. " I guess both are true.

Also true; Mass was the only time we left the house all day. Nothing was really different this year, in that the day was spent on an alternating schedule of cooking, eating, and washing dishes. Repeat. The only thing that was different was that I was at it alone. And unlike every other T-gives in my life, I was not " the rinser." I didn't even have to compete fot the role. Because I had the lucky pleasure of being "the clearer," "the rinser," "the loader," and "the unloader." With the help of a husband of course, but still. I am so used to being a member of a four person team. ((I miss youuuuuuuu seesters!))
Can you see that our turkey is on a turkey platter?!?!? |
A few secrets from our day:
1. We opened one of our best wines for the solo occasion.
2. Even though there were only two of us, we still made, and eventually finished, the full recipe for green bean casserole. Serving Size, 8.
3. We didn't eat Thanksgiving Dinner until actually dinner, even though we both grew up in families that ate around 3 or 4, because we could.
4. We Skyped all sorts of family because we missed them a lot and I would trade peaceful/restful for chaotic/Magee/Kenney any day.
5. We watched our first terrible Holiday Hallmark movie of the season after dinner and Tim admitted that he didn't hate it. A win on all counts.
6. I wore the apron long after I was finished cooking because it provided one more layer of warmth in our way too cold house.
7. We ate neither pumpkin nor apple pie and went for a peanut butter pie instead.
8. I ate more candy corn while cooking that meal than I would ever care to admit... it was also slightly stale... She wont be stopped.
9. I woke up the next morning bright (not really because of New England winter...) and early and immediately put away all things fall decor and pulled out our many Nativities and plotted my first of many Dollar Tree Christmas Decor purchasing extravaganza.
10. I cooked our turkey in a crock pot. I know, I know. And I'm owning up to it. It was a smallish turkey breast for just the two of us, we don't have a roasting pan, it said that the turkey would stay juicier that way, and it freed up oven space. You can judge me, that's fine, but I will definitely do this again next year, and the next year, and the year after that, until I find myself in need of cooking a full turkey.
Hope that your thanksgiving was filled with gratitude for the blessings in your life and an appreciation of who put them there! As well as yummy food, terrible Christmas movies, and warmer homes than ours.