Thursday, July 2, 2015

Second Trimester

My boobs are leaking, my back is consistently sore, my acne is like I'm 17 again, and my fingers and toes are little sausages. But man oh man you should feel the love she gives me. The kicks and flutters and full body shifts I get from her are out of this world. Truly indescribable and yet here I am attempting to blog about it... That's all my blog is anyway, just ramblings.
Now she is no where near the size of a watermelon yet but after our redeye home from California I am really feeling the extra weight I am carrying around and boy, it feels like a watermelon to me. But mostly, this trimester I've felt great. I've regained my appetite with a vengeance, I don't require daily naps, I have a to-do list oriented 80 point plan to get me to September 22nd and I am really feeling the love and support of family and friends. Really though, this trimester has been so great because of the moments I get to have just me and Lady Kenney. I love to feel the reminders of her presence in the grocery store, at the social security office, etc. I look forward to her kicks of love and her kicks of "mom get that ipad off your belly, you're annoying me." I love that when she really gets going Tim can feel her too and I love that he talks to her and loves on her. Don't tell Tim because I don't want to make him jealous, but this is really special me and her time and I am trying to savor every moment and try to complain less and less about all the scary things it's doing to my body. Trying. Remember this is second trimester Rylee talking, I'm sure the complaints will be much more severe and more frequent when she is the actual size of a watermelon. God help us.
Also all credit to my beautiful husband for only complaining a few times when I posed him for this picture on the back porch. True love ladies and gents. I can't wait to hear our kids reactions one day when they see these types of posts...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Teared up at this one! She's one special little lady
