I love my new job. I really do love going to work each day. But the problem is that I loved my old job too. As everyone gets ready to head back to school after summer break I am realizing just how much I will miss my students, my co-workers, my school and my ministry there.

I'm no longer Mrs. Kenney all day long. I'm Rylee now and it's a real adjustment. To all of my students who are reading this, you have touched my life in more ways than you could ever know. You welcomed me into your community with open hearts, you were gentle on me as a first year teacher, and you challenged me daily. My life is so much better because you were in it. Thank you for your presence in my life those two short years and you need to know that I am praying for you every single day. I'm Rylee to you now too and I'm pretty excited about that.
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