I am home right now for Spring Break. I abandoned my husband for the Spring of South Bend and comfort of home cooked meals and the shock of what wide open space looks like. Now that I am here with a little bit of time to relax I guess I should finish talking about the last time I saw these lovely people. Cough* January * Cough. I toyed with the idea of just chalking it all up to nothing with all of my posts that have sat here up published and just stop trying to play catch up in hopes that it would be a more manageable task but I do this for me. This is my virtual scrapbook and I'd rather not have a 4 month hole so here goes...
The road trip to Florida (See Disney) was not as chaotic as I thought it would be. Mainly because we all prepared for the worst. But we split up the drive quite a bit and packed snacks that were both delicious and diverse which makes all the difference (See the Cheese Puff fiasco of 2012).
The road trip to Florida (See Disney) was not as chaotic as I thought it would be. Mainly because we all prepared for the worst. But we split up the drive quite a bit and packed snacks that were both delicious and diverse which makes all the difference (See the Cheese Puff fiasco of 2012).

We were able to see our Georgia cousins, where Ryan works, and the first season of Modern Family. Praise God for in car DVD players and the 21st century.
Torey lived with Ryan for the summer and was able to show us the local hot spots.
After our exhausting two days at Disney we spent a relaxing day going to Mass for Our Lady, relaxing by the pool and exploring hotel property. All in all we had a great trip and are so appreciative to still be included in the big family road trips. I serrrrriously doubt we will all fit in a car seat so I wonder what Plan B is going to be?
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