Here goes my *attempt* to capture the weekend of November 1st, 2013. We need to start in July. Tim's in the Glee Club and I am a terrible girl friend who only saw/heard him sing once until his Senior year. Pretty bad right? Don't worry I made up for it Christmas 2013, three in one day. Anyway so in July I was feeling really guilty so I booked a flight for the first weekend of November to go home.
Full tux concert really was fantastic. And do you see my outfit? Because that should have been clue #1 of what was going to happen, but by the grace of God I remained oblivious. Tim told me to dress up. I presented an outfit option to Tim to which he replied, "can you maybe dress nicer?" Smooth hun, real smooth. Then I enlisted the help of Shannon and Ines to find an outfit. They chose a dress and grew suspicious while I stayed adamantly unconvinced.
Clue #2 that I should have seen coming. Tim kept complaining about the lack of money in his bank account. And he works two jobs during the school year and worked all summer so... Oblivion I attributed to the fact that he bought a car, little did we all know.
Clue #3 was the conversation of his mom coming to town. Now Tim left this decision up to me, which I still don't fully understand, and this really should have thrown me. My friends knew for sure (they say) at this point. They hinted at this to me. I was still holding to the reality that Judy wanted to hear Tim sing and it was a special concert for his senior year.
((So glad you were there with us Judy))
Clue #4 My people. Now they come to me and openly ask me if I am getting engaged that weekend. So, yes oblivious but not out of the blue. This requires a bit of back story. I love Tim, I've loved him since I was 17, known I wanted to marry him since I was 19. Now, at 22, I couldn't wait for that reality. But that became a problem in and of itself. I rid myself of Pinterest as I was singularly planning a future that was not yet foreseeable and due to the advice of my spiritual director, I was waking up every day to tell myself, "Rylee, you are not getting engaged today." Now I know this makes me sound crazy, and that is because I am. And I was. I was taking Tim, in the present sense, for granted always wondering and waiting and counting down to the next step. So, in preparing for that weekend I told myself that repeatedly, mainly because I am crazy, but also because I was going home for Tim, for Glee Club, and a Football weekend, I didn't want to leave a great weekend disappointed because I have unrealistic expectations. So on to my friends, "I am not getting married today," and on the plane, "Rylee, you are not getting married today." And if you say it enough you will actually believe it, and I did.
Okay, moving on to Clue #5: Again, my attire. We went to lunch with Tim's mom and brother on Friday. I made the mistake of asking Judy what she was wearing to the concert. Grave mistake. This is the most I caught on all weekend because she was wearing jeans and all I had packed were heels so umm. Granted they were small heels but still. Finally, Tim had to stop me from complaining my taking me aside and just saying "Please Rylee, will you just wear the dress? I know you're going to look great and then we can take pictures together and keep them because we will both be formal."

((I think the pictures turned out great, thanks hun.))
Clue number 6: I know that you guys are becoming more suspicious but seriously I was becoming more convinced that it wasn't happening. And it retrospect everything seems so evident but in those moments, and by the grace of God, I had not a clue. So this clue was when Tim told me we needed to go to CoMo to get part of his Halloween costume from his friend Chris. He hadn't been telling me what he was going to be for Halloween, it was a group costume that was a surprise to me (now I know because he didn't really pick out a costume). While I had to find an outfit to wear that was low maintenance, able to fly with, and could be a quick change from my dress, he still had to go to CoMo to pick up his costume. Sounds believable right? Affirm that I am not crazy please.
7th Clue was when we got to CoMo he led me past the party of people and made me keep walking in spite of wanting to say hi to Caleb to a people-less hallway at the back. He bluntly said, "I lied. We didn't need to pick up my costume, I want to give you your birthday present." Okay, okay I know this one seems so straightforward that I reallllllly should have seen something coming. But my birthday was a week before and on that day Tim told me that he had something for me but it couldn't be shipped because it was more of an experience and he would give it to me when I came to visit. I had completely forgotten about it but when he said it, my first thought was not, I'm getting engaged, but instead, my boyfriend is such a goob why did he need to surprise me with this. Remember, GRACE OF GOD.
Clue 8 is basically clue seven part two. He lead me into the chapel in CoMo and there were two chairs set up facing a third with his computer on it. He said he needed to send a text when we got in, odd. We spent awhile quietly in the chapel before walking around to the beautiful artwork and complaining about the hideous stained glass. Finally he draws me over to the chairs and says, "Ready for your present?" Of course I am. So he presses play on a slide show of basically all of my favorite pictures put to music of our songs. It was mainly pictures of Tim and I from the past five years but also group shots and pictures of me with my fam and closest friends. All were in there. At this point, my heart started racing and I began the internal dialogue. What if he is really proposing right now? What if he is going to get down on one knee? How will you respond? But also remember my spiritual director so I was also repeating to myself, Rylee you are not getting engaged today (so sane right?). And in doing this I was finally able to calm down. I needed to not be getting engaged. I needed to appreciate my birthday present as it was and not be disappointed if that was all that it was. So for the billionth time, I was convinced that I was not getting engaged.
9th clue he told me he loved me and happy birthday and led us in prayer for a bit before asking if I was ready to go. Sure. But are you just leaving your computer there Tim? Nope his friend would pick it up for him, super weird. As he lead us to what I thought was the grotto. And this actually did make sense because we had just finished praying, we would go light a candle for Mary and head out to the party. See, I still thought I was going to the party so... But he also didn't tell me where we were going. So that was something. He was quiet and I didn't ask.
Clue 10: The final clue before I was sure. We were walking outside in the sprinkling rain and it was dark but off to the left there was a group of people with candles in a semi circle. This was weird, but was it weird? I asked Tim what it was, his response, "Looks like some sort of prayer service or something." Okay prayer service. But why at 10:30 on a Friday night? And why in the rain? And why not at the grotto? All of these things I wondered until they started singing. The Servant Song. And then I knew.
**Hidden Clues: Clues that I could have seen but thankfully missed entirely. Judy's hand off of the bottle of Champagne to Tim's roommate Sam. Tim getting his mom to rush his family out the door. A box in Tim's left pocket. A party of proposal singers waiting for us to pass. Not actually heading directly to the grotto. All of these things I find out later of course.**